Thursday, August 06, 2020

The “Crime Of The Masking Of America” and other Frauds by Fraud Fauci

What have we done to ourselves?    Why have we “masked America”?   We have world-renowned doctors that have been treating thousands and thousand of CO_V;ID 1’9 patients with unbelievable success.  Many of the docs are seeing zero ICU’s admittance and zero death.  

We have Dr. Bart’’lette using a simple inhaler ster.oid with 100% success.  He had a local hospital inquire of his protocol and he says on video- they emptied their ICU in South Texas- emptied of all CO;’;Vid patients.  They could not believe they ended the suffering in a matter of days. 

We have another doc;’;tor stating he can treat the entire population of the U.S for $24.00 and eliminate this situation in 3 weeks if the F’;’DA will let do[ctors use I’;’vermectin. (Safe for 50 years in the U.S. for headlice treatment and parasites- no side effects).   

The cu[res are here, waiting to be used along with h’ydro[xy_chlo=roquine which if used early with zinc is having micraculous results.  By the way- the successes are so good in places like Japan with 200 million people, they have only had -(are you ready this? 1001 deaths - through July 31.   They have had a recent “surge” in cases, but with Hyd——- and Cam-ostat Mesol’;ate,  ( a cheap old drug) they have literally cured virtually everyone that got the vi’;runs.    

This same story is in country after country- but not here.  Here, everything that can stop this madness has been stopped by Fauci, crazy governors and crazy administrators who willl not let doctors prescribe medicine that has been FDA approved for 50 years.  This is criminal, and this is killing America as we know it. 

Now- crooked Fauci, says he only takes double blinded placebo studies and refuses to accept thousands of reports of people being healed.   
So let the get this straight, we have a 79 year old career bureaucrat that has never had his own medical practice -stopping those who do from saving lives.  We have a man that really never has practiced medicine calling the shots.  He is a brilliant researcher, and I have read some of his writings in my medical books, but he has never really touched people.   He joined the NIH at age 28 and as far as my research goes back, he never really saw any real patients.  He lectured, did research, and has done so since he as 28.  He has a 100 year old understanding of the immune system and still preaches it.

So in a Congressional hearing when asked about these doctors having unbelievable success - on the front line - with real people that would have died- crooked Fauci says “none of that matters”.  All that matters is a double blinded placebo controlled study over a period of time.     So this crook - and actually murderer - in my humble but educated opinion is guiding national policy to kill people and drag this mess out.

Now we get to the mask insanity.  Fauci goes along with a new narrative- everyone needs a mask.    Where does he get his double-blind placebo controlled study to show masks will make a  positive difference?   Well, it just got published- hitting the shelves now on a huge study - just like Fauci wants- and gusss what?   Study shows that for the flu - which is virtually spread the same way as this v’;Irus, and almost the same size, spread by droplets and touch.  The study shows ZERO improvement of transmission to others.  Not 50%, not 25%, not 5% but ZERO improvement to have the general population wear surgical or cloth masks.  Study shows ZERO benefit to people at home, or out.  So, Fauci- you have your famous study out there, but you will not refer to it, because it goes against your narrative. 

Mark my words, not only will the masks rip America apart due to the anti-maskers vs the maskers, but we have not even seen the beginning of the death, pain, suffering, destruction, and mental anguish these masks will cause us.   There will be hundreds of thousands, if not millions, if not tens of millions of U.S. children who will have their lives ruined over this mask crime. Has no one thought of the emotional trauma instilled on 75 million children.  The “masking of America” will go down as one of the greatest frauds and crimes crimes against humanity in world history.  There will be untold books, and publications to cover this crime against humanity.    Sadly, the rest of the world is following our lead, so everything is being multiplied.   Believer me when I say the “masking of America” is a horrid indescribable crime.

Fauci, you are a liar and a fraud.  I have your interview where in 2016 you told the interviewer you stayed safe around sick people by taking high dose vitamin C and Vitamin D.    Why have you never uttered this word - vitamin- or boost immune system in 8 months?   Because you do not want us to know your secret.   I would dare to have you prove you are not using Hyd’;droxy ... yourself.    You have committed a crime against this country.

You want to shut us down again, have everyone wear masks, googles and ear protection to keep others from getting the virus.    Well, guess what, everyone on planet earth gets to “encounter” this thing one way or the other.  Since death rates are still low- despite your best efforts to keep them high, this thing needs to run its course like Sweden did.  Now its over in Sweden, life is almost back to normal. 
Here are questions for the people of the U.S. and for you to explain.

1.  Why do you know tell us that there is a mathmatical algorithm to who has a bad reaction to this or not?  It’s math- below 20ng/ml you did of this. 20 to 25, you have sever reaction. 25 to 30, you have moderate outcome.  30 to 35, minor outcome, 35 to 40, almost no problems.  Over 40, almost zero chance of showing side effects.
2.  Why do you not show us the data on low glutathione levels which virtually coincide its the Vitamin D? Low glutathione, bad outcome.
3.  Why do you now tell every American we should be taking a supplement of 50mg of zinc?  Having low zinc- same math algorithm?
4.  Why do you not tell Americans that the protocol should not be , - get sick, got the ER, go home, come back when you are dearly ill is the opposite of what we should do?
5.  Why do you not tell us the “disease” has 2 phases in people that have bad outcomes due to low D and Zince, and that the second phase is what gets you later and is your immune system going crazy that kills people?
6.  Why do you not tell people to take high does vitamin C - up to 4 grams a day to put out the fire of the second phase?
7.  Why do you not tell Americans of any phrophelactic precautions Americans can take to more or less “immunize” themselves?

Why Dr. Fauci?
How can you sleep at night, knowing - you are the man killing America?

Fire Fauci

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